Top Ways to Get Kids to Brush and Floss

Do you find yourself constantly telling your children to brush and floss their teeth? It’s often a challenge to get your child to take care of their teeth, but it’s an important battle. Teaching your kids good oral habits now can ensure they have a healthy mouth for life. However, if you’re having a tough time making this a habit, let’s take a look at some top ways you can use to get your kids to brush and floss consistently.

Make it a Game or Competition

One great idea is to make brushing and flossing a game or competition. If you only have one child, turn it into a fun activity. Make it fun and it becomes easier. If you have multiple children, add some competition. See who can do the best job at flossing and brushing. A little healthy competition can go a long way among siblings.

Go with an Electronic Toothbrush

Consider going with an electronic toothbrush for your kids, since this can help make brushing fun. An electric toothbrush makes brushing seem like less of a chore. With great electronic options featuring favorite action heroes and princesses, you’re sure to find one that your child will like.

Get Involved

Get involved yourself with the brushing and flossing. When you brush and floss with your children, they’ll see an example of good dental hygiene. Kids pay more attention to what parents do than what parents say, so be an example.

Let Kids Pick Their Dental Supplies

Head to the store with your kids and let them have fun picking out their own dental supplies. Let them choose a brush they like and some fun floss. Many flavors of floss are available, so let them have fun picking what they like. Even though it may seem like something simple, letting them pick out their own supplies can go a long way towards getting them to brush and floss each day.

Add a Song or Rhyme

Sometimes it’s tough to make sure kids are brushing long enough, so consider adding a song or rhyme to the brushing and flossing routine. Not only does this make it fun, you can make sure that they are brushing for the full two minutes. Bring a song in the bathroom and play it for two minutes while they brush, letting them know they have to keep brushing until the song is over. For flossing, let them pick a favorite song to enjoy while they take care of the flossing.

Use a Rewards System

Does your child do well with rewards? If so, consider using a rewards system to get them to brush and floss. Consider making a sticker chart and giving them a sticker for brushing and flossing. When they complete a week, you can allow them to get a reward. Just make sure you don’t offer candy or other sugary foods as a reward, since you don’t want to send a mixed message about good oral hygiene.

No matter how you decide to get your kids to brush and floss, it’s essential to make sure you’re teaching your kids about cavity prevention and good oral health. This is important for their overall health, so use some of these methods and make sure they get on their way to healthy teeth and gums. Then make sure your kids also see a general dentistry professional routinely to keep up with regular cleanings and exams.

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