Pregnancy and Oral Health

Being pregnant comes with a plethora of new health related responsibilities. Your oral hygiene is no exception. Speak with your dentist, or if you don’t have one you see regularly, contact us to make an appointment. We can advise you about what types of oral care products will be most effective during your pregnancy and beyond. Above and beyond your daily brushing and flossing routine, it is a good idea to rinse every night with an over-the-counter fluoridated mouth rinse.

For the majority of women, routine dental visits are perfectly safe during pregnancy. To be sure though, let your dental office know the stage of pregnancy you are in at the time you make your appointment. Inform your dentist of any medication changes as well as any special advice received from your physician. If your is a high-risk pregnancy or you have some other medical condition, it is possible that your dentist and your physician might recommend that oral treatments be postponed until after delivery.

Areas of Concern

Pregnancy is a time when some women find they are more prone to gingivitis, a mild form of gum disease that causes gums to be red, tender and sore. This is known as pregnancy gingivitis. You can take steps to prevent gingivitis by keeping your teeth clean. Some women are advised to get more frequent cleanings throughout pregnancy to help control gingivitis. If you notice any changes in your mouth while you are pregnant, it is very important to see your dentist. If gingivitis is not treated, it can lead to more serious gum disease and problems later.

Did You Know…?

Did you know that during pregnancy, your baby’s teeth will start to develop between the third and sixth months of gestation? That’s a great reason to be more diligent in getting a sufficient quantity of nutrients, especially vitamins A, C, and D, as well as calcium, protein and phosphorous. And of course it’s normal for pregnant women to want to eat more, but frequent snacking is often an invitation to tooth decay. If you are snacking regularly throughout the day, always choose foods that are low in sugar and provide the best nutrition for you and your baby.

Once you bring your new baby home and settle in, it’s a great idea to make a follow up visit to your dentist to ensure you are in good oral health and everything is back to normal.

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